Would You Survive A Zombie Apocalypse?

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Zombies are hard to deal with specially wild wild ones kill the mall again and again you must dads until they die just ignore this is where I don't feel like doing anything for this blah blah blah

Live Mike live awesome live TV comedy thing on comic books comic books they got big today I wanted.| That line marked 100 characters 50 more to go!

Created by: Greedy Hobo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You find a Gun Store. Do you:
  2. Which is the best place to take cover?
  3. You find a garage of every transportation (with keys) existing. What do you take
  4. What kind of guns are useful?
  5. Are allies helpful?
  6. What would you die of first in a semi-arid climate
  7. Radom answers now
  8. Goat
  9. Kangaroo
  10. I

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