would you rather (hard)

this one you will have three choices one good one bad and one realy bad so choose wisely unless you want to be barfing poo killing millions of people and becoming a panda in detriot

nothing here so ill just write random words sorry huyudcluwufrwvbervarewvgrvybgweiacgyqwevcbweCBYQERWBYVQBYWDCBWEBVBEWVCGUY9BWEGYVCBYIQWRBYGQRRVBQTNQWARTN5JY7

Created by: the floper kid
  1. level one-would you rather
  2. level 2 would you rather
  3. level 3 would you rather
  4. level 4 would you rather
  5. level 5 would you rather
  6. level 6 would you rather
  7. level 7 would you rather
  8. level 8 would you rather
  9. level 9 would you rather
  10. level 10 would you rather
  11. level 11 would you rather
  12. last one would you rather
  13. did you enjoy

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