Which Panda Squad memebr are you?

Bubble panda is the ditsy weak memeber but she's ok. Panda Queen is the middle memeber and she's really vain But the character based on me who has mental problems and has everyone's hopes and dreams pinned on her is the leader!!! panda!!

Panda has to look after seven brothers and two sisters because her two parents abandoned her but they get checked on every week or so by their dads manager who is intrested in panda becoming a model!

Created by: PandaGirl10
  1. Are you a great person but are always pushed down because people hate you for no reason?
  2. Are you a regular person or are you amazingly powerful or are you actually very strong with your simple powers!
  3. Fave colour
  4. Fave food?
  5. Fave animal
  6. Fave celebrity
  7. Fave place?
  8. Do you have mental problems?
  9. Do you love yourself?
  10. Do you have famous parents who abanoded you?

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Quiz topic: Which Panda Squad memebr am I?