Would You Rather.....????

Hi welcome to my Would You Rather quiz I hope you enjoy it and if people enjoy my quiz and show me in COMMENTS and RATE section I MIGHT make another one!

Thanks for coming to my quiz by the way the answers arent disgusting or anything (the first one might be, just a little) so you won't be sick! Enjoy it!

Created by: Meg
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would You Rather
  2. Would You Rather
  3. Would You Rather
  4. Would You Rather
  5. Would You Rather
  6. Would You Rather
  7. Would You Rather
  8. Would You Rather
  9. Would You Rather
  10. Would You Rather
  11. Would You Rather
  12. Would You Rather
  13. Would You Rather
  14. Would You Rather

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