Would you Rather..?

There are many "Would you Rather?" games out there, so I decided I should make one! But these would-you-rather's are made by me. Which makes it epic. >:D

Are you looking for an awesome "Would you Rather?" game to do? Well here's one! Go on, take it! I would like it if you would, anyways! Have fun! :D

Created by: Blue_Fire
  1. Would you rather have a Cat or Dog as a pet?
  2. Would you rather die of being murdered or committing suicide?
  3. Would you rather go Skydiving or Bungee-jumping?
  4. Would you rather have an older sister or an older brother?
  5. Would you rather have your loved one kill your sworn-enemy and die right afterwards or your sworn-enemy kill your loved one and die right afterwards?
  6. Would you rather make a quiz or take a quiz?
  7. Would you rather get on Facebook everyday or get on Twitter everyday?
  8. Would you rather have many friends for the rest of your life or be lonely for the rest of your life?
  9. Would you rather do the Harlem Shake or do Gangnam Style?
  10. Would you rather love One Direction or Big Time Rush?

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