Would You make a Good President?

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Are you able to lead an entire nation? Do you care for your country that you live in? Well if you said yes to both of those questions then you should become a good president that.

There might be people who have potential to become a president for their nation. Are you a die hard patriot that will do anything to protect your nation?

Created by: awesome40
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a leader or a follower?
  2. Do you like to travel?
  3. Are you patriotic about your country?
  4. Would you make a good public speaker?
  5. Are you determined?
  6. How good are you at world history?
  7. Are you confident?
  8. Do you understand how the economy works?
  9. Do you care about people?
  10. Are you optimistic?

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