Would you make a good knitter?

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Are you interested in learning a new hobby? Maybe you have a lot of free time but are not sure what to pursue next? Do you know how to crochet but don't enjoy it? Perhaps someone you know knits.

Well if you are finding yourself saying "Yes and amen to that!" to any of the questions above, try knitting! Take this quiz to find out if you will make a good knitter. Don't forget, answer the questions truthfully, or your results may be wrong!

Created by: Elizabeth Caneday
  1. How much free time do you have on an average weekday?
  2. How much free time do you have on an average weekend day?
  3. Do you know any people who knit?
  4. Why do you want to learn to knit?
  5. Are you interested in online knitting sites such as Ravelry, LoveCrafts, Interweave, and YouTube?
  6. Do you happen to already own knitting supplies, or know someone who would be happy to give you some? (needles, yarn, tools)
  7. How many hobbies do you have right now? (eg crocheting, needlework, drawing/art, music)
  8. Do you crochet, embroider, or sew? (If you do multiple, select the one you do most often.)
  9. Are you male or female?
  10. Are you in school or not?

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