Would you be able to handle a baby with reflux?

Babies are cute, small, and adorable! They eat, sleep, and poop - how hard can it be? But what if they have reflux?! Are you a baby-whisperer? Even if you baby is a yelping in pain and vomiting all over you?

Can you handle a baby with acid reflux or will he send you screaming into the woods? Take this short yet surprisingly accurate quiz to find out now! Created by the mother of preemie twins with severe acid reflux!

Created by: SeaBird of The SeaBird Chronicles
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your precious baby were to begin projectile vomiting his entire meal all over you and the nursery... what would you do?
  2. Your baby staunchly refuses to eat anything at all for six days straight. Then, most or all of the miniscule amount you are able to force down is brought up again. Your reaction?
  3. Your baby screams as if a knife is stabbing him in the gut during each feeding.
  4. You do a load of laundry at least once and day and always have clothes soaking in the sink ready for the next washing. How do you maintain a positive outlook?
  5. Your baby is in so much pain he cannot sleep. For six weeks straight. What is your coping mechanism?
  6. Often your cute little baby pukes right out of his cute litte nose. Then screams and panics because he can't breathe. What do you say to calm him?
  7. When the pediatrician tells you there's absolutely nothing modern medicine can do to stop the puking, and we can just help him be "comfortable," what is your response?
  8. Your pediaterician tells you 50% of babies outgrow reflux by 6 months. The remaining 50% by 1 year. Your baby is 10 months and still puking his guts out and screaming during some meals. Your thoughts?
  9. When you try to explain what having a reflux baby is like to your friends and they say things like "oh, they'll grow out of it," "well, my kids spit up, but I just thought it was normal," and "awww, tummy troubles, poor little guy," what is your response?
  10. You just happen to have TWIN babies, both with severe reflux....?

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