Would you be a good President?

Have you ever wondered what percentage of the world would like you if you were president? Would you make a good president? Take this quiz and find out

This quiz is made from a 14 year old so dont get up me if the questions are too boring or not correct.. I just hope you enjoy and this quiz is just made for entertainment.

Created by: Tom
  1. How much money would you spend on a house if you were wealthy?
  2. What percentage of income would you want from the average working man?
  3. How long would you lock away a guy that raped 4 women?
  4. If you were allies with two other countries and those two countries went to war, what would you do?
  5. Do you get depressed?
  6. If you had to, what would you rather BAN as a President?
  7. Are you religious?
  8. Favourite Quote?
  9. Where would you eat if you were wealthy?
  10. Scenario: A bunch of people were walking around telling others to vote for you a second time.. Something horrible happens when they ask a guy and then he grabs out a gun and shoots some of the people.. You hear about this and your the president.. What do you do?

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