would we be friends?

Ok soooooooooo would we be friends? Would I like you?? Would you like me?!!! as a friend of course! this is my ffirst quiz so don't be all rude, anywayss

let see if we could be buds or just not at all, you take this quiz and find out, sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah, cofffeeeee is great, jk I hate coffee, coffee is grossss

Created by: murderismystyle

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Favorite color?
  2. favorite food
  3. do you know what creepypasta is?
  4. what kind of music do you enjoyy
  5. are you insane?
  6. do you sing and dance
  7. favorite animal
  8. would you ever dance in the middle of a busy place
  9. Do you RP?
  10. last question! do you watch anime?

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