Would Sean Date you?

Heya, this is a little quiz i made when i was bored, to see if i have anything in common with certain people and whoever gets it from my Space, and how compatible we can be.

This quiz will ask things mainly about you and what things you like, things like music, and what type of person you are as well as your interests in comparison to mine.

Created by: Sean Ryan
  1. From the following, which do you consider yourself?
  2. What music are you into?
  3. Hair Color, Not that this will matter much, just want to know :D
  4. Fashion Sense? This won't matter much towards your end result either, but i'd like to know :D
  5. Its the weekend, You?
  6. What do you consider, a good Date?
  7. Do you consider yourself attractive?
  8. Star Sign, This won't matter much towards your final result, just wanna know :D
  9. How tall are you?
  10. Finally, this may seem trivial, but it has to be asked, Do you use SHED LOADS Fake tan?

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