Would my grandparent's cat, Max, like you? (Me/K: NYA!)

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(Max is the Russian Blue in the picture) Me/K: Today, we will see my grandparent's cat, Max, likes you! He is a WILD cat who is VERY unique so you don't know what to expect!

Hopefully, Max will like you! If not, DON'T feel bad, Max HATES most people so it should be fine! Anyway, enjoy the quiz and let's see what he thinks of you!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: (Max is the cat in the picture) If you didn't read the description, just know that Max is a WILD cat who LOVES to attack and sometimes acts like a dog.
  2. Me/K: What do you think of Russian Blue cats?
  3. Me/K: What are your thoughts on a cat running around the house like a horse? (Yes, he does that)
  4. Me/K: What do you think if a cat started attacking your hands out of nowhere?
  5. Me/K: What would you give my cat?
  6. Me/K: Max LOVES to play Soccer, would you play with him?
  7. Me/K: What would you do to Max out of these?
  8. Me/K: What else would you let him do?
  9. Me/K: Do you like cats who are like other cats or unique ones?
  10. Me/K: Do you get mad easily with animals?
  11. Me/K: Would you hang with other cats?
  12. Me/K: Would you be fine if the cat acted like a dog sometimes?
  13. Me/K: Would you FORCE him to be by water?
  14. Me/K: Did you know that milk is bad for cats?
  15. Me/K: How many times would you pick up the cat?
  16. Me/K: Would you want to hang with Max?

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