You say you love me, I say you crazyWe're nothing more than friendsYou're not my lover, more like a brotherI known you since we were like ten, yeah ;';;'

Don't mess it up, talking that s---Only gonna push me away, that's itWhen you say you love me, that make me crazyHere we go again smilejumphahahahha;';;

Created by: susfor stuffs
  1. zodiac
  2. gender ( sorry there's hardly any I'm in a rush)
  3. racist
  4. sexuality
  5. fav singer
  6. pick a drink
  7. will you rate and comment?
  8. do judge others style?
  9. would be friend with an lgbt+ person?
  10. like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: WOULD I WANNA BE my FRIEND!??!!!

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