Would I Date You? (for guys only)

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you can't have everyone in the world, sorry. but taking this quiz was a great experience for me to get to know you more! email me & we can talk for a bit.

are YOU possibly the right one for me?? take this quiz to find out if we bond, are compatible, or are meant to be together! the questions are simple, easy, & about you!

Created by: kayleebrooke1
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like dancers/flexible girls?
  2. whats your personality?
  3. are you tall?
  4. do you like short girls?
  5. would you leave your email for me in the comments so i can email you?
  6. do you like cuddling, kissing, holding hands, & hugging with a girl?
  7. do you do sweet things for your girl?
  8. do you text your girl a lot?
  9. what color hair do you have?
  10. i have an age range for guys i date. is that okay?

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