Would I date you?

I'm kinda a emo lookin child if you can't tell. From this quiz. I have you have fun. This means lots, you taking this in all. XD i hope you do well! Bye!

Why do we even have to write so much for this. I can't write anything. I'm a frikkin scatter brain. Sweg! See ya on the flipside! Peace out you secu mofo

Created by: Bellaishot
  1. This quiz is for guys, but gorls can take it too. (I'm a girl by the way)
  2. Hair color? (I have a perfered hair color, but anyting is really fine)
  3. How tall? (I also have a perferred hight. Ya know; for cuddles)
  4. hair style? (guys)
  5. Eye color?
  6. Why musical genre do you like.
  7. Any hobbies?
  8. Do you enjoy cuddles?
  9. We will never sleep, because sleeping is for the weak.
  10. Whats you're personality?
  11. are you a good kisser?
  12. You're opinion on bullying?
  13. Bye! Don't forget to comment you're score and rate.

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