Will I date you?

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Hey! This quiz is for guys. You can stay if you don't mind the rest of the quiz. I just made this quiz because I feel there is no one out there who will be the right guy for me.

Atleast someone I can date. So, you can take this quiz and see if you are the one I can date. Don't mind the result. Even the questions are not what I really look for in a guy.

Created by: Frozen Fire
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi! My name is ____ (insert whatever you like). So you see, I was getting bored so yeah. Oh, did you read the two paras given above?
  2. *cute smile* What is your initial?
  3. What is your age?
  4. What is your hair colour? (like I care)
  5. What is your eye colour? (like I really care)
  6. What is your personality like?
  7. What is your hobby?
  8. What is your zodiac sign?
  9. What sort of a girl do you like?
  10. What do you think I should ask now?
  11. I think that's enough for now. This surely is lame but thank you for taking this quiz. I really appreciate it.

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