Would I date you?

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I did some research and I saw this was a pretty popular quiz topic, so I did it. What did you get as your result? Tell me in the comments and make sure to rate!

Thank you to Keyboard_Cousin, Katnisseverdeen1, and dragonsfire for being so accepting of me. I can not thank you enough for believing that I actually am a newbie and not a... multi? Is that what it's called? Anyways thank ya'll.

Created by: SugarGirl
  1. Um.... do you like people for personality or looks?
  2. Do you have a sweet tooth?
  3. Do you support LGBTQ?
  4. Gender?
  5. Do you like girls?
  6. Are you a cuddly human?
  7. Are you single or taken?
  8. How old are you?
  9. When you grow up, do you want to have children (not with me lol just in general)
  10. Outgoing or withdrawn?

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