Would I Date You?

Now now now child, it's okay stop crying. I know this is a popular quiz topic but yknow, you're GONNA see it whether you like it or not. It's life. And life's like that.

Hallo friends! I am TeenSixteen and I am a new quiz user. I made this quiz because I saw it was a PRETTY popular quiz topic. So whaddya say? Take it? Hmm?

Created by: TeenSixteen
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite animal (out of these)
  3. What is your favorite food group (out of these)?
  4. Is Creme Brulee awesome?
  5. Which one of these singers appeal your ears the most?
  6. What is your favorite sport?
  7. What is your favorite video game?
  8. Comment?
  9. Rate?
  10. Bye!

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