Would I date you?

I am really bored, so I made this quiz. You don't have to take it unless you want to. Hi. I am a person. Sorry about that, but, I is bored. Deal with it.

I am really bored, so I made this quiz. You don't have to take it unless you want to. Hi. I am a person. Sorry about that, but, I is bored. Deal with it.

Created by: Ganbatte123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you tall, short, or medium?
  2. You consider yourself as:
  3. You have
  4. You are
  5. First date:
  6. You would prefer someone:
  7. Best quality in a girl:
  8. If I was in the hospital you would:
  9. You would know
  10. Last question, would you promise to let me decide on things for myself, and keep my space when needed?

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