Witch one of my friends are you most like?

I have many friends. This quiz only shows a couple though. Enuogh talking and time to take the quiz. Break a leg! (Don't really break a leg or it will hurt obiously though.)

My other quiz is called Would you male a good quiz for me and please take that. Also comment and rate. Or else. And i mean it. And that is a final. End of conversation.

Created by: 8Codi8
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite animal?
  2. Have you ever told someone you werent their friend anymore?
  3. Do you have a boy friend?
  4. Will you die for me?
  5. Are you enjoying the quiz?
  6. Pick a smiley.
  7. Pick.
  8. Bye!
  9. ...
  10. Bye!!

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Quiz topic: Witch one of my friends am I most like?