Witch My Little Pony Are You?

Many people like my little pony if you are one of those fans this is the quiz for you answer 15 answers you can be Rainbow Dash,Pinkie Pie,and Twilight sparkle.

Are you a my little pony fan?? If so Then this is the quiz for you You get to answer stuff then get to see what you get you can get Rainbow Dash,Pinkie Pie,Twilight Sparkle.

Created by: DemonBlood101
  1. What is your favorite color?????
  2. What is your favorite pony???
  3. What do you ware???
  4. What is your favor evil pony???
  5. Which pony is evil???(to you)
  6. What is you less favorite color?!
  7. What is your most favorite color????????
  8. less favorite pony?
  9. Who do you want to be??
  10. Who do you like???
  11. Did you like this Quiz?!(this doesn't effect your score)

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Quiz topic: Witch My Little Pony am I?