Witch Afton+ Animatronic are u?

Have fun with the FNAF quiz I loved making it also I wanted to make there ages but I couldn't so those who wanna know I will say now: William: 34 Ms, Afton: 32 Michael: 12 Elizabeth: 7 Chris: 5 Nightmare: 5 Goldie: 5 Ennard: 12

And also the animatronics ages are when there in there human form also Henry is 33 Charlie is 2 and glitchtrap is 35 oh and Terrence is 12 as well anyway have a good time 😙😍♥ I luv everyone and everything so have a. Good time please

Created by: Amber
  1. How old is William Afton?
  2. What's Ms, Afton name?
  3. Who died last out of the Aftons?
  4. How many siblings are in the game with the aftons and animatronics?
  5. What's nightmare Goldie and ennards soul name?
  6. How many times did Arthur get beaten?
  7. What day did Elizabeth die?
  8. How many times did William get burned?
  9. Who's Michael and Chris crush?
  10. What did you think of this quiz?

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