Wings Of Fire: Who is your male soulmate?

So… I’ve made 2 WOF Soulmate quizzes with all female results… and on one I promised to make this… so whala!This has 15 Questions. A lot of which are about what you’d do if you got a certain result.

From Winter to Fathom, to Smolder Darkstalker, this has 9 results. Winter, Qibli, Turtle, Starflight, Clay, Darkstalker, Smolder, Fathom, Hailstorm. MANY OPTION!

Created by: Granite of this site
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  1. Do you hate Scarlet?
  2. Is Darkstalker evil?
  3. You got Darkstalker!
  4. You got Winter!
  5. If you got Hailstorm…
  6. You are on Jade Mountain watching the sunset with…
  7. Who do you want?(Doesn’t effect score)(Part 1)
  8. Who do you want?(Doesn’t effect score)(Part 2)
  9. If you got Clay…
  10. Say you got Turtle…
  11. Hypothetical:You got Qibli.
  12. So you got Starflight.
  13. Darkstalker
  14. You get Fathom!
  15. If you got a guy named Smolder…

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Quiz topic: Wings Of Fire: Who is my male soulmate?
