Wings of fire romance #1(male version)

Hi! This is the make version of my Qiuz in the perspective or a 6 year old Seawing/Nightwing hybrid, Starfall. There is a female version of my quiz already made. #2 is coming soon! (P.S The female version is in Seastorm’s perspective.)

This quiz was inspired by ‘Wings of Fire Love Story, Jade Mountain High.’ I really, really hope you like my quiz and would really appreciate if you left a comment!

Created by: Isabelle
  1. One day, you are swimming in your favourite hunting spot, the reef.
  2. Then, you see a cute looking dragonet hunting a school of fish by***
  3. She suddenly started to swim away! Say something?
  4. You finally make up your mind to talk to her. You swim up to her and say ‘Wow, you are really good at hunting!’ The cute dragonet ******
  5. ‘What are you doing here?’ She asks curiously. ‘Nightwings don’t come here come often.’ How do you think she will react when you tell her you’re a hybrid?
  6. ‘I don’t think you’re weird!’ Says the dragonet. ‘I think it’s cool that you’re a hybrid!’ How is your reaction?
  7. You soon become good friends. Her name is Seastorm. She says she will protect you from being bullied.
  8. One day, you decide to confess to Seastorm. You bring her to a cave behind a waterfall . She asks where we are and you explain to her that this is your secret hideout.
  9. After an awkward pause,you tell her that you liked her the day you had met her. What do you do?
  10. CLIFFHANGER! I know right? Sorry, I promise I’ll make #2 really ,really soon! How do you like my quiz?

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