Wings of Fire: Which Winglet are You?

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Wings of Fire is an awesome series. If you know it real well, which word is the series related to? (Hint: Find it in words after this paragraph, once you find the right word, take the quiz and tell me in the comment not only how it was, but tell me which word you think it is.)


Created by: wingsoffirefanatic
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First is the real age limit. Ignore the one above.
  2. How many questions should be on this quiz?
  3. What is your biggest fear?
  4. How attractive would you (or others) consider you?
  5. How would you rate your awesomeness?
  6. If you could pick one video game to play (out of the choices below, even if you can't play it or are not interested), which would it be.
  7. What grade are you in?
  8. So do you want this quiz to be over?
  9. Which is your hobbies?
  10. Which tribe would you want to be in?
  11. nfjdkdhfchbcjfckmdfm EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!
  12. Who do you hope to get?

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Quiz topic: Wings of Fire: Which Winglet am I?