Wings of Fire, Love in the Air (For Females!)

Hello! And welcome to my Wings of Fire Love story! I hope you enjoy reading this one! You'll be a Night wing in in the Jade Winglet! But, what will happen after you meets a specific five dragons? How will you react to each? Let's find out!

Alright, I figure you know this but (Y/N) Means your name, Also, In this your the Nightwing of Jade Winglet, Your fate twists and turns as the story continues, Who will you choose between these special in their own ways dragons?

Created by: WoFAndWarriorcatsfan
  1. Hello there! In this it's your first day at Jade Mountain, Your a Nightwing (Or a Nightwing hybrid.) You will construct your personality and meet the other students! And fall in love.... But! Let's just jump right in! Shall we?
  2. You land in front of Jade Mountain, walking in, 'This could be cool.' You thought, you got a scroll from Fatespeaker, You where in Jade Winglet, as you walked to your dorm you read off who was in your Winglet, Torrent, Basilisk, Hypothermia, Gila, (Y/N), Puddle, And last Robin. You...
  3. Afterwards you stepped into your dorm, there was a hammock and two stone slabs reaching into the wall, one had moss on it, You noticed a Skywing fast asleep on the slab with no moss,
  4. The Skywings head came up, { Robin has orange-red scales with a paler off-white creamy underbelly, she has matching wing membranes, she has a brown spikes along her back } She smiled at you "Oh- Hello! I'm Robin, Would you like anything?" Robin asked, half-asleep.
  5. { If you choose Library or all of the above } "Of course!" Robin said, leaping to the floor, she walked threw the halls with you close behind, she walked into the library, Robin went to get a scroll, you went to get a library card, afterwards you began looking threw the scrolls, when you noticed a Icewing with his snout in a scroll, You glanced over before walking over, He looked up at you, before shyly looking at his scroll again, You... { Hypothermia is a pale-blue almost white, he has long thin spikes, which are a bluer color, his underbelly is a grey-white, his tail and main body frame is rather thin, his wing membranes are the same as his underbelly and he has silver glasses, His eyes a pale icy blue }
  6. "H-Hello there... I'm Hypothermia, I-It's nice to meet you..." Hypothermia said, he looked down at his scroll, before rolling it up and looking up at you, your eyes met for a single second, he looked away quickly, you didn't notice but blue blush snaked across his face, he quickly rubbed at his face to get it to go away, You...
  7. { If you choose fight training area, Or all of the above, if all of the above you just left the Library } You followed Robin, she stopped at the entrance. "I'll wait for you." She said with a smile, as you went inside you looked around, stepping onto sand 'Must be to keep fighting safe...' You thought, before hearing something behind you, you whipped around seeing a Nightwing behind you, he was in a fighting stance, You...
  8. You watched as the Nightwing lunged at you, you rolled out of the way and shook sand from your wings, you slid under the Nightwing, kicking up at his underbelly, just enough to knock out his breath, he winched and staggered back, he whipped around and tried to claw at your muzzle, you threw sand up with your tail before managing to tackle him, holding him down. "Got you!" You said, smiling, the Nightwing looked slightly shocked before smiling "Good fighting!" He said, you both where silent a long minute before you realized you where still holding him down, you scrambled off of him quickly, He coughed slightly before speaking "I'm Riftmaker- You can call me Rift- What's your name?" Rift asked, You... { Rift is a mostly pitch black Nightwing, he has red speckled along his face and large wings which fade into red at the bottom, and have a thick spray of stars on them, He has dark red eyes, but they don't look threating }
  9. { If you choose the Prey Center or all of the above, If all of the above you got hungry and went to go eat something } "Right around this corner..." Robin said, walking around the bend and pointing with her tail at the Prey Center cave opening. "I forgot to grab my scroll- I'll be back soon!" Robin said, running odd, you walked into the Prey Center, you noticed a Seawing walk past you, when he noticed he had walked past you, he waved toward you with a smile, he picked up a fish and went to a table, you grabbed some fruit and began to a table when the Seawing gestured that you could sit with him, You walked over sitting down at the table. "Hey! I'm Torrent! Who are you?" He asked, Beaming at you, you couldn't help but smile, You... { Torrent is a deep blue Seawing with a grey blue underbelly, he has a large build and gold speckled around his eyes, wing membranes, and webs, His wing membranes and webs are the same color as his underbelly (By the way he has very little Sandwing blood if your wondering why he has gold on him!) }
  10. "Nice to meet you, (Y/N)!" Torrent said, still smiling, you looked up and somehow in that quick look up, you where met with his dark blue gaze, his eyes where as deep as the ocean, you broke the gaze after a moment and quickly ate your fruit, and he began to talk happily, you spoke every now and then, smiling and nodding, You...
  11. { If you choose any of them accept where's my bed? } You walked out of where you had been, you walked threw the halls looking for Robin, You noticed a Sandwing but it was to late, he came to a quick stop, he looked guilty, He had almost bumped into you "Sorry about that!" He said, his barb curling up, He looked at you for a long second before speaking again "I'm Gila, Are you in my Winglet?" He asked, eyeridge (eyebrow) raised, You... { Gila is a pale sandy color, he has a darker brownish underbelly and a surprisingly long sail, his sail is slightly darker then his main scales, with freckle like designs of the brownish color, he has a pitch black barb and matching eyes }
  12. Gila smiled sheepishly "Oh yeah-! Sorry I almost bumped into you like that! I should have been looking and not trying to hurry!" He said, with a sheepish laugh, you laughed too, Then you...
  13. { If you choose where's my bed, Or, your just getting back to the dorm } "This one is your bed." Robin said, gesturing to the slab above her, You got up there when a angry Rainwing stomped in "Uh- Hi?" You say, he growled at you "I don't need talked to." He hissed, You gave a soft growl, he looked over at you before his eyes flashed with something similar to a apologetic look, He rumbled before mumbling. "I'm Basilisk." He eyed you for a split second, Robin was already fast asleep, You... { Basilisk's main scale color is grey-green with a pale cream toned underbelly, he has deeper green eye ridges and horns, the spikes down his back are the same color as his underbelly, his wing membranes are the same color to but with speckles of grey green here and there, He has emerald green eyes. }
  14. You had noticed after a moment Basilisk fast asleep, You laid your head on your talons when you noticed Robin looking over at you. "I think he likes you!" She said, in a vague way
  15. And.... CLIFFHANGER! Yes! I have got you! So what did you think? (This shall not effect your score!)

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