Wings of Fire Character Maker pt. 2

Ok. I know. You all might be the thinking 'why isn't that quiz out yet? The kingdom one?'I'll tell you on the last question. Also, I'm going bowling tonight. yey...

And, sorry for the shoutouts on that other quiz. Whoopsie daisy. So, I am making one where you will actually MEET THE DRAGONETS OF DESTINY! So, get excited. It's gonna come out by the end of March.

Created by: Comet
  1. Ok, hi everyone!
  2. Instead of my usual stupid quiz format, I'm going to do roleplay instead. First question:Your queen just died, how would you react?
  3. Fine, I'll stop. So, where out of these would you like to live?
  4. Choose a group of colors.
  5. What is your greatest fear?
  6. Choose an appealing name
  7. What do you look for in a friend?
  8. NO EFFECTDo you know the muffin man?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Bye! Also, I bailed on the which kingdom would you blah blah blah. Srry

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