will you make swat?

There are strong people, weak people. There are smart people and dumb people. Some can survive, and others can't. What are you, find out with this quiz.

Do you have what it takes to make swat. Find out with this quiz. In just 12 questions you will know. Can you outdue the few that can handle the stress and will power?

Created by: Glenn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Can you run more than 2 miles?
  2. Can you shoot a gun with amazing acuracy?
  3. Are you afraid of being shot?
  4. Do you have good tactics?
  5. Do you run away, or go towards danger.
  6. Do you work out every day?
  7. Can you fight, and win, more than 2 people at once?
  8. Are you persuasive
  9. Are you afraid of the unknown?
  10. Do you plan to go to college

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Quiz topic: Will I make swat?