Will you go to baby prison?

The DP means Daydreamer Police. This is a remake of my first quiz. I lost the code. So now I remade it. Hope you like this and rate comment, everything.

Parents don’t use this as punishment for kids. This is only for fun. And no, the DP isn’t coming for you. It is made up. So don’t take this seriously please.

Created by: TheBest123
  1. What did u do?
  2. How old are u
  3. Are you defiant
  4. Event: The DP throws you in the car, what do you do
  5. Hi
  6. Which tool are you expecting to be spanked with?
  7. Hello dude.
  8. Are you immature
  9. Bruh
  10. Are u ready?

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Quiz topic: Will I go to baby prison?

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