Will you ever get a girlfriend?

Have you ever thought of having somebody like, even LOVE you. Well, tell you what, if you take this quiz, you will have a close to accurate description of your future.

Are you one of those people that thought about it?! Well, TAKE THIS QUIZ!!!

Created by: Kien Rideout
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a gentelman
  2. Do you have friends?
  3. Do you like your family?
  4. Are you happy a lot?
  5. (Skip this if under 13 years old) Do you have a job?
  6. Did you pay attention in school and get good grades?
  7. Do some girls like you as friends?
  8. Do some girls like you as friends?
  9. Do you keep clean
  10. Final Question: Are you helpful?

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Quiz topic: Will I ever get a girlfriend?