Will you be forgotten?

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Hi,hi!This quizz can show you will You be forgotten in the future?Do you want to know how much importent are you for your friends?Are you popular or not?

if you wanna find out these question take this quiz!!!its fun too!Comment & Rate plZ dont forget!;]comment you ideas for me about a good story or whatever let go take it!

Created by: Holy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. hi:D
  2. When you are talking,everybody listen to you?
  3. Hey?
  4. Are you Popular?(Honestly)
  5. Do you luv peOple?=:}
  6. How many friends do you Have???
  7. Do you? wanna lose yourself laughing so hard it hurts like hell? forget about everything and Runaway? yeah?!?!?
  8. When your luv is gone?
  9. "The End"ByE bYe!:^)
  10. Hey? You? "Comment & Rate"plZzzz:D

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Quiz topic: Will I be forgotten?