Will I like you?

Hello, I've been trying to make some friends all these years so I made this quiz to see if anyone would ever fit with me! Thanks for taking the quiz and have fun!

You know, if you even got the lowest score but you think we'll be good friends, send me a message at [no emails] and we'll talk! I hope anyone wants to be friends

Created by: Leonardo
  1. How many times have you hurt any other person or yourself
  2. How many times have you made someone cry and like it?
  3. Do you accept everyone's body/feelings/will?
  4. Have you every done anything but blame it to someone else?
  5. Have you ever hit/hurt an animal?
  6. Did you somehow tried to kill/harm another person?
  7. Hey hey hey! We are here about video game now! Do you play Roblox at all?
  8. Zoophiles opinion?
  9. Bullying
  10. For the last question, if you find your friend in a really bad situation, like they are crying and having panic attacks, what will you do?

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