Will I like You?

I like guys but I am a young one that accepts that is younger then 15 but older then 10 I will be your friend on facebook and we could chat all day!

are YOU the one that I like? Do have the chance to talk to me at all?? Until now you can hav someone to talk to and stuff. But thanks to this quiz in minutes you'll find out if I will like you!

Created by: angeltiger231

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which Fantasy animal would u get?
  2. I wear glasses but I hav brown eyes with long eyelashes and people call me pretty but I think I'm ugly
  3. I despise the color purple and like the color black, blue, red, and white
  4. What type r u?
  5. What is your fav singer
  6. Pick your age
  7. Pick an activity
  8. wat ur email?
  9. Hello
  10. Bye

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