Will I date u (boys only)?

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There many fish out there in the sea just keep looking I hope u find the one u want I may not be the one for u but you'll find someone someday I hope

You are the one for me and I'm happy but I won't give out to much information to u cause I like to stay safe but we can still date I hope u like me lol

Created by: Mindy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would u care more about my body or my personality?
  2. What religion are you?
  3. What color of hair do u have?
  4. Are you into sports or music?
  5. Do u live in the country or city?
  6. Would u cheat on me? (Please tell the truth)
  7. What type of music do u like?
  8. Do u like horses
  9. On our first date what would we do?
  10. Which name do u like

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