Wich Elemental Dragon are you?

This Quiz will tell you what Elemental Dragon you are. If you do not like your Dragon I'm sorry. If some one else has already made a quiz like this I'm sorry.

I hope you like this quiz since this my first quiz on here and if my name is already in use I'm sorry. This is a different person if my name is already in use.

Created by: Shadow Dragon
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What's your favorite element?
  3. What's your favorite song
  4. Do you like to be loud or quiet?
  5. Do you like Unicorns or Dragons
  6. Do you like to be Inside or Out Side?
  7. How protective are you over your family?
  8. Are you shy or Out Speaking?
  9. Do you trust your friends?
  10. Do you eat more plants or meat?

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Quiz topic: Wich Elemental Dragon am I?

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