Why do I need Diapers?

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Welcome to the Why do I need Diapers Quiz. This is a different kind of quiz that will tell you, wether you know or not, why you need to be in a diaper right now.

This will tell you if you really are potty trained, or if you physically cannot hold your pee in. Or if you are like me. Imagine not wearing diapers lol.

Created by: Pull Ups Kid
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What bladder issue can you most relate to?
  3. You can only use the toilet once a day, if you use it more than once, you become an adult diaper baby. How do you react?
  4. Scenario 2: you used the toilet more than once.
  5. What would you do if somebody forced you to wear a diaper for 24 hours?
  6. Would you wear diapers on a long car trip if anyone that was with you didn't know?
  7. You just peed your pants, how do you react?
  8. Do you have trouble holding it at all?
  9. Does your bladder leak when you need to go badly?
  10. How would you rate your bladder strength
  11. What kind of non diaper do you wear?
  12. If you had to wear a diaper for a dare or something, but it was a diaper of your choice, which kind would you wear?
  13. Choose colour.

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