why am i doing this

i have too write 100 words or this stupid thing wont work. Maybe i dont want to write 100 words. Did you ever think about that? HuH did you think about that??

Hello i am jansen and this is my quiz i hope you like my quiz it's a very nice quiz and i want you to tAke it. Please take it please i would like that very much.

Created by: jansen Brock
  1. who is me
  2. why is alana taking compatibility quizzes?
  3. is Jansen smart
  4. is alana smart
  5. Wow you're done
  6. actually you're not done i am a liar.
  7. Alana is actually doing her work wow
  8. Haley is bring cookie :)
  9. Why am i not doing my work
  10. NoW yOu'Re DoNe

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