Who's your Avatar best friend?

Are you a fan of Avatar? If you are you might want to consider taking this quiz, especially if you have a favorite character.

Aang, Katara, Toph, Suki, and Zuko. Who's your favorite? You might end up as one of them as your best friend if not, you'll at least get a best fried from a good show.

Created by: Laura
  1. Which one of these games do you like the best?
  2. If you were to be a bender which element would you choose?
  3. If you could spend all of your day doing one of these things, which would you choose?
  4. Which of these things do you hate the most?
  5. Which character are you a bigger fan of?
  6. If you are a girl who would your boyfriend be?
  7. If your a boy who is your Avatar girlfriend?
  8. Which one of these words would describe you the best?
  9. Which one of these bad things have you done that you are not proud of?
  10. Are you good or bad?

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Quiz topic: Who's my Avatar best friend?