Who's demigod child are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Who's demigod child are you?

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  • Your Result: Athena

    Your godly parent is Athena. You are smart and wise and you get along with just about everybody, except children of Ares. You are afraid of spiders and your fatal flaw is often hubris. Unlike other demigods, you will not be as easily fooled by monsters.You don't really care what others think about you, and you are not easily swayed by what the crowd thinks. You are observant and you notice things other people don't. Good luck with planning how to survive your life as a demigod, then!

  • I got Demeter seems likeable

  • Ahhh.... Hades. I was born on Friday the 13th and I live on Elm St. lol. Better stay away from me ,':)

  • Your Result: Apollo

    You are a child of the God of music, medicine, archery, sun and prophecies. You have a natural ability for music and have a great aim for archery. You might have a passion for cows.... You can lay a curse to any person you want and they'll speak in rhymes the whole week. You will get along great with the Oracle of Delphi, and you might have the gift for prophecy.... well, who knows. You have a natural sense of humor, and often make people laugh. You'll make a great demigod!

    Yeah, I do have a natural sense of humor. And you messed up one thing on that paragraph for Apollo. He's also the god of writing and poetry.

  • I got Posideon. WHY did u assume automatically the person would be a boy????


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