Who is your Mha sister?

This is to see if you have a sister in Mha! Its for fun and my first quiz so I hope you like it! Title: Who is your Mha sister? I have TikTok and here is my user: 80s......weeb

I'm just gonna type random right here so yeah. jbewdigweiccdwegcwegcwdguwfhvjdcegiuwehvcdeguirwhkvvwefgurwvhkcegurf2hkvcfeugo2frhvkcdegurfhvkcdegrf23vhkdrf3hvcdegrf3

Created by: Millan
  1. Are you the quiet, shy kid in class or the one that's always talking?
  2. Who would you like to get?
  3. If you were in Mha, what hair color would you wanna have?
  4. How would you describe your sibling? (If you don't have any, describe your cousin)
  5. What describe's your personality?
  6. What quirk do you wanna have?
  7. Who would you date? (Boys)
  8. Choose your "Fate" (Doesn't affect your answer)
  9. Are you a villain or hero?
  10. This is my first quiz! I hoped you liked it! (Doesn't affect your answer)

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Quiz topic: Who is my Mha sister?
