Who is your Immortal Parent?

Who Is your Greek God. It could Be Zeus! or even Kronos or aprodite the more beautiful god of love! find out here! show your friends... Maybe you might be related to them to1

Super Easy! take the quiz to find wich Greek God You Might be related to. remember with great Power comes great responcibility! that is if you get a really important God :)

Created by: DaughterofHorses of Greek Mythology Quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. How old are You?
  2. You have just arrived at Camp Half-Blood. Where Do you Start?
  3. Whats Your Favorite Colour?
  4. Who would Be Your Best-Friend
  5. What word Best Describes you?
  6. Which is your Favorite Animal?
  7. Choose which Answer you like best...
  8. How Mang Teachers Hate you
  9. What is your Fatal Flaw?
  10. Favorite God

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Quiz topic: Who is my Immortal Parent?
