Who from CAA are you most like?

There are many CAA members, but only a few were chosen. Those few will feel the embarrassment of having their personality being the exact opposite of what it really is. This quiz was just fr fun, so enjoy.

Who are you?! Are you who you thought you'd be? Take this very badly made quiz to find out for yourself. If you don't find the quiz to fit your specifications, to bad.

Created by: shadowcat
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does the phrase "Plug it in" make you think of?
  2. Who's your bishie?
  3. What do you think of the Mona Lisa?
  4. What is you skin color in rl?
  5. What is you speciality?
  6. Jimmy cracked corn :O!
  7. Cats or dogs?
  8. Type? (one or the other :P)
  9. Are you a perv?
  10. What's the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

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Quiz topic: Who from CAA am I most like?