Who are you to me?

There are many many kinds of people in this wonderfully ugly world, but what are you in my eyes at least? I know I just said there are many, so I've narrowed to the three I come into contact with.

But there's a catch, are you what you think you are? For if you are dishonest, lying to both me and yourself, don't even submit your answers. Just leave, for this is useless unless you confront what you really are.

Created by: ChristLovesBacon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do you shop?
  2. Favorite Band?(Choose one closest to music you like)
  3. Do you hate me?
  4. Favorite color?
  5. Would you consider yourself a good friend? Be honest, it won't count, I'm just curious.
  6. Do you like Naruto, Bleach, Or One Piece?
  7. Waffle=Good Bacon=Life and eternal happiness
  8. Do you want to punch me yet?
  9. Honestly I just wanna go Han with my girlfriend... Do you wanna hang with someone you enjoy being around?
  10. Final question, what do you think you're going to get

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Quiz topic: Who am I to me?