Are you attractive?

There are many people in the world and many of those people think that they are ugly. This quiz is not to make you feel bad about yourself! :) :) :) :)

There are many people in the world and many of those people think that they are ugly. This quiz will help you figure out if you are attractive or not. F.Y.I. You are all amazing in your own little way! :)

Created by: Sally
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your hair color?
  2. What color are your eyes?
  3. What is your style(clothes)?
  4. Dress,Pants,or Shorts?
  5. Do you have long or short eyelashes?
  6. What is your body shape?
  7. You take care of your skin and nails.
  8. You don't care what the outcome of this test is.
  9. Are you modist?
  10. Do you think your attractive?

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Quiz topic: Am I attractive?