Who are you Really??????

No one will be able to tell you who you are better than this quiz. I mean it. Take this quiz and find out the truth about urself. And make sure to give the most accurate answers and take it seriously, lol.

Who are you? Do you really know? If you aren't sure then take this quiz. If you are sure then take this quiz. If you wanna be entertained then take this quiz!

Created by: Genius from Earth
  1. If you were ruler of an imaginary kingdom, what kind of ruler would you be?
  2. If someone asked you to change your skin, what kind would you wear?
  3. What is your favorite book?
  4. What movie is most similar to your life?
  5. What color is the LEAST pretty to you?
  6. If someone stepped on your foot (on purpose) what would you do?
  7. What color is your hair?
  8. If you were walking under a bridge what would you expect to see?
  9. If you woke up and found a stranger staring down at you (and this person is just a stranger and not harmful) what would you do?
  10. Where would you rather live?

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Quiz topic: Who am I Really??????