who are you from the originals?

You might think that taking a w=quiz is dumb.. but you might relate.. and you might find out that your really someone from the originals or your just a random person

taking the quiz determines if your a fighter for your self or do you just run away.. or other wise.. ahah would you like to be your favortie character or nah.

Created by: celeste
  1. You have to pretend your babys dead.. but..
  2. The person you fall for is in front of you.. you...
  3. Your brother or sister is the father or mother of your loves child.. you..
  4. who do you ship in the originals
  5. You get a chance with you love.. and you..
  6. you fight and who intends to not back down
  7. Your witch of a mother come in town.. you decide to
  8. Your "dad" trys to kill you because your not his kid.. most likey to be
  9. Your "dad" trys to kill you because your not his kid.. most likey to be
  10. Who would you want to be

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Quiz topic: Who am I from the originals?