Who are you from the hungergames

Hello. Here you will face my quiz about who you are from the hungergames. You don't need to have read the book or watched the movies. This quiz is just about you. Concentrate on yourself and don't pick answers, that you would like to be true.

If you are not able to answer some questions, just skip them. The hungergames is the very best book for me and I would tell everyone who hasn't jet read them to read them.

Created by: Clarke
  1. Are you female or male?
  2. Who is your favorite character?
  3. Would you rather live in a district or the capitol?
  4. Which district is your favorite?
  5. It is reaping day. What would happen to you?
  6. If you die in combat, how do you die?
  7. If you get picked for the hungergames ( first or second), what would you do?
  8. Your friend dies in the hungergames. What do you do?
  9. In a revolution, where would you be?
  10. What do you like more, the new or the old panem?

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Quiz topic: Who am I from the hungergames
