Which wolf name suits you best

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Find out which wolf name suits you best! Just answer the questions TRUTHFULLY and you'll have YOUR result. This is a cool quiz for wolf fans who'd like to know their wolf name.

I really can't think of more to write. Let's just put a bunch of elipses......................................................................................................................................

Created by: Anya
  1. What do you like doing in your spare time?
  2. What sentence describes you best?
  3. How popular are you?
  4. What's your favourite shade of every colour?
  5. Which one word explains you best.
  6. Your bff starts going out with your crush that you've have a crush on for about a year. What do you do?
  7. Have you ever said '' Antidisestablishmentarianism'' before? Don't lie!
  8. What would you prefer your result to start with?
  9. How are you feeling
  10. Are you excited for the result?

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Quiz topic: Which wolf name suits me best