Which wedding gown fits you right now?

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Maybe you have been married for 30 years, or maybe you are not thinking about marriage at all, or maybe you're just about to do it, but here you can have a look at what kind of Wedding Gown is perfect for you right now.

Of course your choice will reflects your personality, your attitude and your tastes. Today maybe you'll find out that your tastes have changed, or that you still like the same things, and, I hope, you'll enjoy it!

Created by: mox
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite kind of music
  2. Choose a flower
  3. Where would you get married?
  4. Choose a food
  5. Your dream job is?
  6. Choose a color
  7. How many guest do you want at your wedding?
  8. How would you spend your time on the week end?
  9. Your favorite kind of shoes
  10. Choose one item instinctively

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