Which Twilight pack member are you?

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Which twilight pack member are you most like? Ask a few questions to see how you take authority, how mature you are, how pissed off you get to see how you fit into the pack.

Are you a leader or a beta? Do you need order or do you hate it? I have to write this stupid second paragraph which I don't get because this is pretty straightforward.

Created by: sarahsophia
  1. Be honest. How seriously do you take yourself?
  2. How do you flirt?
  3. Preferably, where would you want to be in terms of leading a group?
  4. How would you feel about being a werewolf?
  5. The love of your life just ended your relationship. How do you react?
  6. How much do you like sex?
  7. Are you a neat-freak?
  8. Do you like coffee?
  9. There's a stray cat walking around in the rain. It looks skinny and it's meowing. What do you do?
  10. Your crush told you they're talking to someone else while you've been talking to them. What's going through your head?

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Quiz topic: Which Twilight pack member am I?
